Here's what's on sale at Publix this week that is Eat for Health compatible. There were other fruits and vegetables on sale but I follow the "Dirty Dozen" list and buy organic 90% of the time:
Publix GreenWise Market Organic Salad Blends 2/$5
Kashi 7 Grain Cereal (the unsweetened ones!) 2/$5
Edensoy Organic Soy milk 2/$4
Southern-Grown Sweet Corn 8/$2
Here's the coupons I will use:
1 Save A Lot Coupon to get $5 off any $20 purchase (There are 5 of these coupons in the Entertainment Book)
Harvey's $2 off $5 produce coupon to get the Organic Salad Blend for $1.50/bag. You will need to sign up for a Harvey's Reward Key to get these coupons.
I wrote Eden Organic and got a stack of .55/1 coupons, so I will use two of those to get the EdenSoy for $1.50 Tetra Pack. EdenSoy is different from other Soy Milks. The product contains only Soybeans and purified water. There's no other additives similar to what is found in other commercially made soy milks.
Get Kashi for .50 a box with 1 Manufacturer's Peel off coupon (on the boxes), 1 Whole Foods Whole Deal Coupon (you will need to pick these up at your local Whole Foods).
If you are just starting out couponing, you may only be able to get a few of these deals. Keep collecting coupons! The items will go on sale again and then you can take the opportunity to stock up a bit so that you have enough until the next sales cycle.
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