Sunday, November 14, 2010

E2 Immersion Program for Whole Foods Employees

I am super excited to hear how Whole Foods has totally embraced the Vegan Plant Based Diet! They are putting their at risk employees through an "immersion" program where they will learn how to prepare healthy meals and understand the importance of whole plant foods.  This is new on the Engine 2 Diet website:

"Rip Esselstyn created the Engine 2 Diet to help Americans lose weight, lower cholesterol, significantly reduce the risk of disease, and become physically fit — in just four weeks. The Engine 2 Immersion Program was designed in partnership with Whole Foods to serve Whole Foods’ team members that are currently at risk for heart disease, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and other diet-driven western diseases.

Over the course of an intensive 5 day program in the beautiful Hill Country of Austin, Texas, E2 Immersion participants join Rip, his father Dr. Caldwell B. Esslestyn, Jr. of the Cleveland Clinic, renowned nutrition expert Jeff Novick, Dr. Pam Popper, and a host of other extraordinary experts for a life-changing experience. They will receive information & education about the powerful influence that diet has on the body’s health, as well as extensive training on implementing a plant-strong lifestyle in their homes."

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