Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What this blog is about

As a Wellness Coach I am constantly being asked what I eat, what my kids eat and how I get all those fruit and veggie servings in every day.

This blog is for all those people out there who need to be "in the know" about what I do on a daily basis, the choices we make as a family to make sure we are eating and living as healthy as possible 90% of the time.

We are not perfect and there will be people who will disagree or find fault in some of the things we are doing. I'm an open minded person who is open to perspectives other than my own. I just ask that you be considerate and respectful when responding to my posts.

I'm here to make a positive impact and offer help to families who are struggling with making consistently healthy choices. I'm not here to compete with other families who are "crunchy" like us or prove that our way is the "right" way. I believe that every family should find their own path to optimal health and wellness.

Enjoy the journey with us!

1 comment:

Taradactyl in a Modern World said...

Wonderful intro! I'm looking forward to reading more.